What is your only comfort?

Urban God-talk for the church-o-phobic.

Monday, January 02, 2006

On the cover of Block Magazine

Well well well...We got a pleasant surprise from Block Magazine this month. The Greenpoint Reformed Church is featured on the COVER! Woo hoo!

The article was supposed to be primarily about our caroling party, but it definitely speaks of the revitalization of the congregation. One of the members came up to me at church on Sunday and said "you'll never guess how many people stopped me to say 'hey, I saw you on the front of Block.'" It's been really great publicity.

Speaking of publicity, I'm pleased to report that the postering/post card passing out effort was successful. We had two special Christmas services (one the week before Christmas and one on Christmas eve) with more than 70 people attending one or the other service. Half of the people who came on Christmas Eve were new, and one person in particular stopped me to say that she came to church as a result of seeing one of the posters.


At 8:09 PM, Blogger Ann said...

Hi Marey,
Yes, there was an article as well as the cover story. Here's the link to it, although I have to admit that I'm not thrilled by the quotes. A number of the things I said didn't end up in print the way that I said them, but still - it's great publicity and I'm not going to complain.


At 10:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice article - even if they got the quotes wrong (they always seem to for some reason).

Makes it sound like a welcoming place - which it is!


p.s. Thanks for the prayers for Tys.


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