What is your only comfort?

Urban God-talk for the church-o-phobic.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

We mourn the loss

I'm finding that many people visit this site because it lists the name of their friend or family member who has been killed in the war in Iraq. To you who visit, please know that our congregation prays for your friend or family member out loud by name during our Sunday worship service. It is only a small way of honoring the life that has been sacrificed in service to our country.


We mourn the loss of those killed in the war in Iraq this past week, including Americans: Richard M. Salter, Isaias E. Santos, Dane O. Carver, Joshua M. Morberg, Lance S. Sage, Aaron M. Forbes, George Anthony "Tony" Lutz II, Prince K. Teewia, Shawn Christopher Dostie, Jonathan R. Pfender, Ayman A. Taha, Marcelino Ronald Corniel, Jason Lee Bishop and Christopher J. Vanderhorn.


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